Social outreach activities

Recognizing that all enterprises are responsible members of society, the Progress Technologies Group (“PTG”) is conducting various activities to support local communities and society at large. By facilitating outreach activities mainly for cultivating the next generation of human resources and technologies, utilizing the business and technological assets that it has accumulated over the years, the Progress Technologies Group aims to be a company that is valued by society.

Kids Engineer in Tohoku 2023 event held in Sendai

On November 23, 2023, PTG hosted a program as part of the Kids Engineer in Tohoku 2023 event held in Sendai, Miyagi, at the 3M Sendai City Science Museum (organized by the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc.). Entitled “Build RC cars from disassembled parts and race them!,” in this PTG program the participating children disassembled commercially sold RC cars to find out what parts they were made of, reassemble them back to their original forms, and then operate them. This gave the children first-hand experience of discovering the fun of monozukuri.
PTG remains committed to continuously expanding and improving the scope of its activities for supporting the next generation of young leaders.

  • On-site lectures at universities

    PTG dispatches its solution specialists involved in the company’s design and development projects to various universities, to give lectures on how the next generation of monozukuri is evolving, involving state-of-the-art digital tools, with a view to cultivating new human resources for the future of DX.

  • Contribution of disaster relief funds

    PTG contributes disaster relief funds as needed to aid the recovery of regions that have deep ties to the company’s business and have been impacted by any disaster.