
  • Fundamental policy

    The mission of the Progress Technologies Group (“PTG”) is to contribute to social development by constantly seeking to enhance its enterprise value and providing valuable services to assist innovation throughout the manufacturing sector. To accomplish this, it is essential that all stakeholders put their trust in PTG. Hence, PTG’s fundamental policy is to conduct its business activities in a sincere and responsible manner while complying with all applicable rules.

  • Respect for human rights
    • 1.PTG respects the human rights of all its employees concerning their employment and treatment and under no circumstances engages in any act of discrimination based on race, belief, gender, religion, nationality, age, education, or other personal attributes.
    • 2.PTG treats the aptitude of each of its employees in a fair manner and ensures that they are all rewarded fairly based on their respective contribution to the company.
    • 3.PTG ensures that all its employees are treated with dignity and prohibits any acts that are considered or could be mistaken as harassment of a sexual nature (sexual harassment), harassment committed from a status or position of power (power harassment), etc.
  • Responsible provision of services
    • 1.PTG seeks to deliver such services that are needed and appreciated by customers.
    • 2.PTG complies with all applicable laws and regulations and conducts all its business activities in good faith in order to maintain service quality.
    • 3.PTG strives to protect the environment in good condition for future generations.
    • 4.PTG strives to conduct its business activities in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations in a manner that assists environmental protection in order to execute its fundamental principle on the environment as stated above.
  • Protection of intellectual property
    • 1.PTG’s intellectual properties are its important assets that allow the company to differentiate its services from those of its competitors. PTG, therefore, strives to protect its intellectual properties including patents, designs, trademarks, trade secrets, computer programs while respecting the rights of other companies.
    • 2.PTG recognizes that all its proprietary information is a category of its assets and strives to protect it as such, while safeguarding all information that has been provided by its customers. Hence, no confidential information shall be disclosed without the company’s proper authorization.
    • 3.PTG respects the privacy of its employees as well as that of the employees of its customers and suppliers, and complies with all applicable laws and regulations concerning the protection of personal information.
    • 4.PTG strives, during the course of its service provision, to thoroughly ensure information security, avoid all risks of information leaks, information system failures, etc., and implement rule-based operations so that all its information assets are protected.
  • Fair purchasing activity
    • 1.In conducting its business activities, PTG complies with all laws, regulations, and rules that apply relating to the prohibition of monopoly, fair competition, and fair trade.
    • 2.PTG selects its suppliers of goods and services and other outsourcing partners without bias, based on objective criteria such as price, quality, lead time.
    • 3.Under no circumstances does PTG seek to achieve gains that can only be obtained by way of bribery, act of corruption, or any other unjust means. In addition, PTG requests all its business partners that are involved in its business activities to also thoroughly understand the purpose of such policy adopted by PTG and to cooperate with PTG so that no undue benefits will be offered to PTG under any circumstances involving any such unjust means.
  • Disciplined and transparent management
    • 1.PTG complies with all applicable laws, regulations, rules, internal rules, and policies and avoids any personal conflicts of interest that may exist, as it makes its management decisions. It also vows to make the best choices available to the company while adhering to the strict limits of its authority granted.
    • 2.Concerning its financial statements as well as other records and reports, PTG complies with all applicable laws and regulations while ensuring timely and accurate information disclosure.
  • Employees’ responsibilities
    • 1.We, PTG employees (hereinafter simply referred to as “we”), pledge that, upon noticing any unlawful or unethical act in our daily activities, we will courageously report it to the company through the Progress Technologies Hotline system, in order to protect our colleagues involved.
    • 2.We pledge to refrain from any retaliatory action against any employees that file reports through the system or cooperate in solving any reported issues. No employee who files such a report will be subjected to unfair treatment in any way.
    • 3.We pledge not to engage in any act that may create a conflict of interest between us and the company.
    • 4.We are responsible for protecting the company’s assets and, therefore, shall only use them for their intended operational purposes.
    • 5.We pledge to comply with the internal regulations on the trading of public-listed company shares and securities and refrain from trading any shares or other securities with knowledge of any unpublished material information relating to any of the companies’ business partners.